I'm getting a lot af mail with *.doc files attached, and I'd like to
use catdoc to show them in mutt, how do I do that?
I have the line:
application/msword; catdoc -s iso8859-1 %s|less; cupiousoutput
in my ~/.mutt_mailcap, and an autoview antry for it in my ~/.muttrc, and
I still can't get the autoview thing to work, why?
I have to 'v' and then select the entry I wanna see.
The mail come from Outlook, so they are attached in a strange way, so
that might be it, here's an example how it looks when I 'v' a mail:
I 1 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, iso-8859-1, 0.1K]
I 2 Pressemeddelelse om Salm. typh.DT104, mu [message/rfc822, 7bit, 29K]
I 3 mq><no description> [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 29K]
I 4 tq><no description> [text/plain, quoted,iso-8859-1, 0.2K]
A 5 mq>Pressemeddelelse den 23. oktober 2000.do[applica/msword, base64,
I 6 VS: Telefonpasning og pakkepost [message/rfc822, 7bit, 28K]
I 7 mq><no description> [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 28K]
I 8 tq><no description> [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.4K]
A 9 mq>Telefonpasning.doc [applica/msword, base64, 27K]
I 10 Telefonpasning og pakkepost [message/rfc822, 7bit, 0.6K]
I 11 mq><no description> [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.1K]
I 12 Besked til omstillingen [message/rfc822, 7bit, 0.8K]
I 13 mq><no description> [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.3K]
I 14 Møde for HK klubben 2. november [message/rfc822, 7bit, 29K]
I 15 mq><no description> [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 27K]
I 16 tq><no description> [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.5K]
A 17 mq>=?iso-8859-1?Q?HKklm=F8de=2Edoc? [applica/msword, base64, 26K]
Note: some thing got a little garbled in the cut'n paste, but you get
the picture.
I can highlight the msword entries, and they are shown bu catdoc, but
I'd like that to happen automagically, hence the autoview in my
I set the charset catdoc uses to iso8859-1, but I will output letters
with umlauts instead of the danish æ, ø and å, how is that fixed?
Changing the MUA at work is simply impossible.
UNIX, reach out and grep someone!
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