there's a tricky thing here, though. if a message exists on the desktop
machine, & not on the laptop, there are two possibilities. 1) you
downloaded it to the laptop & deleted it, or 2) it's new mail you've never
downloaded to laptop. this could be dealt with by keeping a record of when
syncs happen & comparing that to file mod times, i suppose. or does maildir
do this in some special way?


On 16 Oct 00,  2:43AM, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Claus Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 15 Oct 2000:
> > Right now I see scripts as my only chance; if someone has experience
> > with a good setup please let me know.
> Well, one alternative you may consider looking into is AFS (Andrew File
> System).  I've never used it myself, but IIRC it supports "disconnected"
> use, with syncing upon reconnect.  If you put your mail directory via
> AFS and then mount that from your laptop, you should be able to
> disconnect and then reconnect later, and the filesystem would take care
> of the syncing.  However in this case I do recommend (again) Maildir, as
> I'm not sure how will it would handle changes to a single file while
> disconnected (ie. mbox folders).
> >From what little I know of AFS, it's not simple to set up, so may be too
> complex for this kind of use.  Still, it may be worth looking into.
> Regards,
> Mikko

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