On Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 06:34:55PM -0400, Dan Boger wrote:
: On Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 12:15:04PM -0700, joel wittenberg wrote:
: > I read email from both my laptop and desktop machines (which are
: > each in different email domains, ISPs, etc), and I do this fairly simply
: > since my email server uses POP3 (I believe that something similar is
: > possible using IMAP, but I don't know exactly how to do it since I don't
: > have access to any mail servers which run IMAP). Just use fetchmail and
: > supply the UIDL keyword - now each host running email will d/l its own
: > copy of your mail (thus, both the laptop and the main PC will each have
: > the full set of email). Of course, you'll have to d/l and mark as read
: > email on 1 machine which you've already read on the other but that's
: > pretty trivial and easy. And using fetchmail makes it easy to use
: > procmail as well, which is a Good Thing.
: this would work for getting mail, but you would still lose the sent mail
: data, and would have to process all your mail twice... the only way to
: achieve all this that I can think of, without scripts and such, is to use
: IMAP... which is a whole other bag of tricks...
That's just the point. I archive my sent mail and also important
incoming mail, and I want to share the archive system between my
laptop and my desktop.
I have a fetchmail setup right now, but this is not what I want.
I want to wade through my 100 emails/day exactly once: some is junk,
some is mailing lists which I mostly digest and delete, some is
important and needs to be answered and/or saved.
Right now I see scripts as my only chance; if someone has experience
with a good setup please let me know.
Claus Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>