Sitting at the campfire, Dan Boger told:

> ok, how do I get it to [mail notifying] work?  I put the IMAP folders I want
> in my $mailboxes, but I never get notified still?

I have a line like this in my .muttrc
mailboxes ! {[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ssl}inbox

note the ! (exclamation mark, is it?). Now it will show an N in the "change
to another mailbox" window. (the one you reach through c?<tab>)
Other than that, I'm not shure.

> > > Is there a way (without macros) to teach
> > > mutt which IMAP servers/folders I usually read, and have it selectable?
> > 
> > You mean like the mailboxes option in .muttrc?
> > Yes!
> I actually meant without putting them in the $mailboxes - I guess that ties
> into folder browsing in general..

No, not if you leave $folder on ~/Mail...



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