rex --

...and then rex said...
% On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 12:14:24AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
% > 
% >> encrypted with someone else's public key and I can't decrypt and read my
% >> own sent mail.
% > 
% > Well, then, you should simply encrypt to your key as well :-)
% If you contemplate EVER using remailers, this is a BAD idea. It's very

Understood.  It seems that you didn't, however, read on to my next block,
wherein I discussed using hooks to modify the encryption command strings
and commented that it wasn't necessary for me.

That doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to use a remailer of sorts; as a
matter of fact, I simply haven't been able to find info on any in the
pathetic searches I've put together in spare moments here and there.
Tutorials, pointers, and hand-holding are welcome ;-)

% easy to forget that outgoing messages are being encrypted to you, and that
% anyone can see that fact. So, when your message, carefully routed through

Sure enough.

% a remailer chain to hide the source of the message, gets to the recipient,
% s/he can see that it is encrypted to you (as can anyone else with access
% to the encrypted message), which is a VERY strong clue as to who sent the
% message.

Yeah :-)

% It's really, really, easy to bungle security...

I certainly won't argue that!

% -rex

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.

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