On 2000.10.11 13:19:22, you,
 the extraordinary raf, opined:

> Nollaig MacKenzie wrote:
> > 
> > Am I right in thinking that the message Bcc-ed to
> > myself is encrypted quite independently of the
> > message "To: " whoever (and vice-versa, which is
> > what actually matters)?
> > 
> > Cheers, N.
> no, but the solution is trivial. create an "anonymous" secret/public key
> pair for use when sending anonymous mail. it doesn't matter if people can
> see that a message was encrypted to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> and they can't locate the "public" key because you've hidden it under a
> rock....

Cool. Thanks! I made it a little more complicated,
Bcc-ing to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> encrypted,
and putting an entry in /etc/hosts:

my.ip.num.ber   go-fsck-youself.com

(I didn't actually use go-fsck-youself.com :-)

Cheers, N.

Nollaig MacKenzie :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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