On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 09:13:18PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-10-05 00:22:40 +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > [suresh@mjollnir] ~$ which mutt
> > /usr/bin/mutt
> > [suresh@mjollnir] ~$ which cmutt
> > /usr/bin/cmutt
> > [suresh@mjollnir] ~$ which xmutt
> > /usr/bin/xmutt
> What on earth are cmutt and xmutt supposed to be?
Mea culpa... :-} Ok, let me clarify this:
Both xmutt and cmutt are part of the RPM Team RPMs available on
mutt.linuxatwork.at - and to the best of my knowledge in our RPMs only.
Quote from the main web page:
All RPMs include two additional "wrapper" scripts for mutt:
* cmutt: Shell script to call mutt after checking and - if necessary -
changing the TERM environment variable. That way, mutt uses colours even
if TERM wasn't set right initially (given a colour capable terminal, of
* xmutt: Shell script to start mutt in a terminal window (xterm or rxvt).
Maybe we should add that to the READMEs, too.
The scripts help on systems like RHL 5.x and 6.x, where rxvt and xterm
default to have TERM set to "xterm", in which case mutt (linked against
ncurses) refuses to start up with colours. Also, xmutt gets added to the
window manager menus automatically on installation (on systems that support
Red Hat's wmconfig, that is). cmutt was written with a few tips from
Thomas E. Dickey - thanks Thomas!
So, that just leaves the question: Who's going to build RHL 7.x RPMs as
member of the team? ;-)
Thomas Ribbrock http://mutt.linuxatwork.at (mutt RPMs)
http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan ICQ#: 15839919
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