Thomas Roessler proclaimed on mutt-users that: 

> On 2000-10-05 00:22:40 +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> >  /usr/bin/mutt
> >  /usr/bin/cmutt
> >  /usr/bin/xmutt
> What on earth are cmutt and xmutt supposed to be?

Shell scripts which wrap around mutt, to set the appropriate term / xterm.
Both by Thomas Ribbrock - emgaron <at> - they seem to be in several RPM
builds I've seen (mine is the 1.25i with cfp from

I've attached the scripts here, fwiw.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
mallet @ + Lumber Cartel of India, tinlcI
It's difficult to see the picture when you are inside the frame.

# cmutt - script to call mutt after setting TERM to an appropriate value
# Thomas Ribbrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# published under GPL

# set TERM so that an ncurses linked mutt will use colours

# If COLORS has a defined value, we assume that the appropriate TERM
# value was set before => don't touch (thanks to Thomas E. Dickey for this!)
# If it isn't set or is set to -1, no colours are defined and we try to
# set a different TERM value.
COLORS=`tput colors 2>/dev/null`
if [ -z "$COLORS" -o "$COLORS" = "-1" ] ; then
  if [ -n "$COLORTERM" ]; then
    # COLORTERM is set => assume rxvt
    # we guess some kind of xterm
    TEST=`tput -Txterm-xfree86 colors 2>/dev/null`
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      # xterm-xfree86 is known here
      # not known - we try xterm-color
      # NOTE: xterm-color might have the wrong bce capabilities!!
      #       The linux console, rxvt and the XFree86 xterm have bce, while
      #       xterm-color doesn't, so this is really last resort.
      #       (thanks again to Thomas E. Dickey!)
  export TERM

exec mutt "$@"
# xmutt - script to start mutt in a terminal window under X
# Thomas Ribbrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, April 2000
# published under GPL
# try rxvt first
which rxvt > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  rxvt -tn rxvt -T Mutt -e mutt
  # try xterm next
  which xterm > /dev/null
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # with xterm, the correct setting for TERM is not so clear,
    # so we leave it to the cmutt script and hope for the best...
    xterm -T Mutt -e cmutt

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