Using a large mallet, Robert Nelson whacked out:
> 1. I am able to read mail from,
> but sent mail never arrives at its destination -- even though
> it shows up in my imap Sent mail folder. It also doesn't bounce back!
Likely a postfix problem, as you said. Type mailq at the root prompt and see
what it says ...
> I think this is a postfix problem, so here are the relevent parts of
> my /etc/postfix/ file:
> (Note:I don't understand if relayhost= is supposed to be
> my university smtp server, or my ISP smtp server: I have
> tried both and neither seems to work.)
Depends on whether you are connected to your home ISP or your university lan.
Maybe one or the other requires SMTP-AUTH or something similar?
> myhostname = imap.Princeton.EDU
> mydomain=Princeton.EDU
> relayhost = smtp.Princeton.EDU
This _should_ work ideally, where is mutt putting the mails you are sending,
and where does postfix's mail queue reside?
> with "n" it says I get the error message "creating mailboxes is not yet
> supported".
What imap is that? It might be broken - or you have a permissions problem
> But I am using mutt 1.2.5i compiled with --enable-imap, which IS
> supposed to support creation/deletion of IMAP folders
Depends on your imap server as well ... can you create imap folders using
(say) pine?
Suresh Ramasubramanian + Lumber Cartel India - <tinlcI>
mallet @ + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
Oh Dad! We're ALL Devo!