On my home linux box, I'm trying to switch from NS messenger to mutt and
I want to read/send from my university imap/smtp servers and am having
some problems:
1. I am able to read mail from imap.princeton.edu,
but sent mail never arrives at its destination -- even though
it shows up in my imap Sent mail folder. It also doesn't bounce back!
I think this is a postfix problem, so here are the relevent parts of
my /etc/postfix/main.cf file:
(Note:I don't understand if relayhost= is supposed to be
my university smtp server, or my ISP smtp server: I have
tried both and neither seems to work.)
myhostname = imap.Princeton.EDU
relayhost = smtp.Princeton.EDU
masquerade_domains = Princeton.EDU
default_transport = smtp
myorigin = $mydomain
mydestination = $myhostname
2. I can't create new folders on my imap server with mutt.
I can read existing mail folders on my imap server. But
if I try to save mail with "s" to a new mailbox it complains that the
doesn't exit. If I try to create a new mailbox while in the directory
with "n" it says I get the error message "creating mailboxes is not yet
But I am using mutt 1.2.5i compiled with --enable-imap, which IS
to support creation/deletion of IMAP folders
Here are the relevent lines from my .muttrc file are:
set hostname="imap.princeton.edu"
set spoolfile={imap.princeton.edu}
set folder={imap.princeton.edu}
fcc-hook ~A {imap.princeton.edu}Sent
Any help on (1) and (2) above is greatly appreciated.
Robert W. Nelson
Center for Energy & Environmental Studies
von Neumann Building
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544-5263
Phone: (609) 258-5692
Fax: (609) 258-3661