On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 01:32:30PM -0700, Timothy Grant wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 10:47:35AM -0400, Bob Bell wrote:
> > Wouldn't something like this work and be simpler?
> >
> > set signature='(cat .signature && fortune -s) |'
> I've been playing around with some stuff to put my uptime in my signature.
> You can see that it works from the sig below.
> I use the above format to do this
> set signature='(buildsig)|'
> Problem is that I have two signatures, the formal one below, and an informal
> one. So I modified my script to take an argument depending on the sigfile I
> want to use.
> send-hook exceptionalminds.com set signature='(buildsig .siginformal)|'
> This doesn't work. and mutt spits up over it.
> How do I pass an argument to a script in my .muttrc?
I don't think you do.
What I do is this: I have a perl script which does what I want: so much
time to a certain event (which I am not using here). I customize it by
providing different input times as one input string and an event input
string string that describes what will happen x days, etc from now.
I provide the time and event to the perl script in a shell script, very
brain dead. I have a default send-hook to set up my defaul signature file,
below. Then I have send hooks for various lists and/or people which change
the signature file to execute the appropriate script.
So, where until.pl is the perl script, this is the shell script I use for
the Wyoming Libertarian Party, polls.sh:
# -*- shell-script -*-
# Time-stamp: <2000-10-03 12:23:59 ccurley>
until.pl "The Wyoming Libertarian Party, http://www.geocities.com/wyolp/
Vote early and vote often!
-- W.C. Fields
The polls open " "7:00 Nov 7th 2000"
And here are some appropriate lines from my .muttrc:
send-hook . set signature=~/.signatures/.signature
send-hook '~C [EMAIL PROTECTED]' "set signature=~/.signatures/polls.sh|; \
my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; unset pgp_autosign"
send-hook <my sweetie's email address> set signature=~/.signatures/sweetie.sh|
The result for the Wyoming LP list is:
-- C^2
The Wyoming Libertarian Party, http://www.geocities.com/wyolp/
Vote early and vote often!
-- W.C. Fields
The polls open 1 month, 2 days, 14 hours, 39 minutes, 38 seconds from now.
Note that mutt provides the signature delimiter, "-- ".
You would no doubt be able to simplify this considerably, but that should
give you a good start.
-- C^2
No windows were crashed in the making of this email.
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PGP signature