On Jun/14/2000, eric a . Farris wrote:

> i use signify (part of Debian GNU/Linux, couldn't find a home page for

        I use it too :-) It's ... well, perfect :-) And it's done in Perl,
what makes it even more perfect :-D

        The homepage, I guess, should be the one of the company that did it,
Verisim. Try http://www.verisim.com, or .org, or ... :-)

> signify can also run as a FIFO if you use other mail agents occasionally

        Yes, but I tried to use it this way and had a few problems :-m The
process writing on the fifo died quite often, I don't know very well why :-m
Anyway, as I only use Mutt for everything related to mail (mail, news, fido),
it's no problem now :-)

   Roberto Suarez Soto   ·            Orange is young full of daring
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    ·       But very unsteady in the first go-round
Corgo/Lugo/Galicia/Spain ·

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