On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 10:37:31AM -0500, Pete Robie wrote:
> Hello, I am kind of new to the list and was looking for information on
> blocking a domain (user level, not admin) within Mutt. We are running
> Qmail (as I know this is not a list for them) and I am using Mutt
> 1.0pre3i that is currently installed. Does anyone have any suggestions
> on how I can blacklist a domain for my account without having this
> done at the server level through badmailpatterns?
I believe the mutt authors feel that that is not mutt's job. For that
you will need either procmail or maildrop. I personally prefer
maildrop. If you are using Maildir delivery instead of mailbox, you
will HAVE to use maildrop.
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