On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 02:37:39AM +0300, Eugene Paskevich wrote:
> P.S. There are two things I still can't understand.
> 1) Why do people post here signed messages. I think there's no need in it.
because a lot of people (me included) have mutt sign their messages
automatically, and often don't bother/forget to tell it not to sign to
> 2) If they sign their messages they suppose that someone have their public
> key to verify signature. Where can I get it? From public server of keys?
> {I don't remember the correct name.} Again, there is no need in these
> servers. 'couse noone would ask for public key of an unknown man just to
> verify a signature.
Set your mutt/gpg to automatically get keys from a keyserver (like
wwwkeys.pgp.net) and then when it encounters a key it doesn't know, it'll
try and get it and automatically verify it. it's pretty cool. :)