I heard that people have troubles with public PGP key service.
        That's why I'd like to introduce the way I did it myself.
        I hope that this info will be helpful for someone.
1) In ~/.procmailrc:
* ^Subject: publicpgpkey
| /home/eugene/bin/publicpgpkey "`formail -x 'From: '`"

2) /home/eugene/bin/publicpgpkey:

if [ "$1" == "--help" ] ; then
  echo "Public PGP key utility."
  echo "Usage: $0 [e-mail]"
  echo "e-mail: To send public PGP key to a particular e-mail."
  exit 0

pgp -kxa $USERID $PUBLIC $KEYRING > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ ! -n "$1" ] ; then
  cat $PUBLIC
  rm -f $PUBLIC
  exit 0

mail "$1" -s "Public PGP key of Eugene Paskevich" < $PUBLIC
if [ ! "`cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline`" == "-bash" ] ; then
  echo `date ; echo "$1"` >> /home/eugene/.pgp/people
rm -f $PUBLIC
Now one can make changes for him/herself and be happy.

P.S. There are two things I still can't understand.
1) Why do people post here signed messages. I think there's no need in it.
2) If they sign their messages they suppose that someone have their public
key to verify signature. Where can I get it? From public server of keys?
{I don't remember the correct name.} Again, there is no need in these
servers. 'couse noone would ask for public key of an unknown man just to
verify a signature.
It's a stupid idea as for me.

Eugene Paskevich             |   *==(-----------   |       "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |   -----------)==*   |        -- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i}            Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)
Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it.
                -- Woody Allen

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