I'm curious how mutt handles changed mbox's, exactly. Is this in a FAQ
or other documentation anywhere? I'd look at the code, but I'm not all
that fluent in C.

When a message is simply added via normal delivery, it seems easy
enough to handle... "diff" the in-memory copy to the new one on disk
and notice the only differant is a completly new message appended to
it. I'm more concerned with how it deals with more complex changes. I
often find myself needed to refer back to previous mails as a write a
new one, which leads to me very often having 2 mutts open, and
sometimes 3 or 4 as I forget to close one in a terminal in a screen or
on another workspace.

I'd like to know how it works so I can take whatever precautions
nessisary not to screw up mutts view of the mbox and lose data.



Jeremy M. Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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