I've got a problem out here with which, I hope, you can help me to cope.
As you probably noticed I'm from Ukraine and we usually use Russian or
Ukrainian langs here. My output CP is set to Koi8-r. There is an option
in .muttrc called "charset-hook" for decoding messages on-the-fly.
The problem is:
If I recieve a normal text in charset which was hooked in .muttrc
everything decodes just fine. But in case of encrypted PGP message
which originally was in other CP than Koi8 then it just decrypts and
doesn't send it to decoder of CP's.
Possible solve:
To switch decrypting and decoding. First decrypt then decode the output of
decryption. Guess it should help.
Any other variants how to do this in other way?
P.S. How can I include cookies from fortune for example into my signature?
Answer directly please.
Eugene Paskevich | *==(----------- | "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | -----------)==* | -- Ace Venture
Public PGP key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i} Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)