On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 01:47:50AM -0700, Shane Wegner wrote:
> I wrote a patch for mutt and outlook a week or so ago. 
> Applying it and setting pgp_outlook_compat to yes or ask
> should work.
> The traditional mode in mutt still sets the Content-type to
> application/pgp or the like and Outlook simply doesn't know
> what to do with it.
Thanks, it works great. I overlooked your earlier message, because I
looked as it was only for Oulook with PGP-plugin.
I would suggest this patch would come in the mainstream
Mutt-distribution, because there are a LOT of Outlook (express) users
around, and this way they can at least normally READ our messages.
Maybe this should even replace pgp_create_traditional, because that
still creates "inline"-MIME-info.


Wouter Verheijen

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