On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 09:13:14PM +0200, Lukasz Stelmach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Była godzina 15:58:34 w czwartek 14 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
>   i wrzasnął:"David Champion!!!  Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:
> >>> I want the pager to treat signatures the same as the body 
> >> Correct me if i am wrong you do not wan colorful signature?
> > Correct, but I also want my body regexes to color parts of the
> > signature -- I don't want it treated as a single big block.
> Try to find in the sources the '-- ' (dash dash space) string and that
> should be the right place to alter.

    Try the attached, mostly untested patch to remove signature
processing (i.e., remove all support from mutt).

 "Every rectal thermometer made by Q-Tip has been personally tested."
   -- Material packaged with a Q-Tip rectal thermometer
diff -ru -x CVS mutt-cvs/pager.c mutt/pager.c
--- mutt-cvs/pager.c    Tue Sep  5 11:01:09 2000
+++ mutt/pager.c        Fri Sep 15 16:39:13 2000
@@ -136,39 +136,6 @@
 } *Resize = NULL;
-#define NumSigLines 4
-static int check_sig (const char *s, struct line_t *info, int n)
-  int count = 0;
-  while (n > 0 && count <= NumSigLines)
-  {
-    if (info[n].type != MT_COLOR_SIGNATURE)
-      break;
-    count++;
-    n--;
-  }
-  if (count == 0)
-    return (-1);
-  if (count > NumSigLines)
-  {
-    /* check for a blank line */
-    while (*s)
-    {
-      if (!ISSPACE (*s))
-       return 0;
-      s++;
-    }
-    return (-1);
-  }
-  return (0);
 static void
 resolve_color (struct line_t *lineInfo, int n, int cnt, int flags, int special,
     ansi_attr *a)
@@ -732,28 +699,6 @@
   else if (mutt_strncmp ("[-- ", buf, 4) == 0)
     lineInfo[n].type = MT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT;
-  else if (mutt_strcmp ("-- \n", buf) == 0 || mutt_strcmp ("-- \r\n", buf) == 0)
-  {
-    i = n + 1;
-    lineInfo[n].type = MT_COLOR_SIGNATURE;
-    while (i < last && check_sig (buf, lineInfo, i - 1) == 0 &&
-          (lineInfo[i].type == MT_COLOR_NORMAL ||
-           lineInfo[i].type == MT_COLOR_QUOTED ||
-           lineInfo[i].type == MT_COLOR_HEADER))
-      {
-       /* oops... */
-       if (lineInfo[i].chunks)
-       {
-         lineInfo[i].chunks = 0;
-         safe_realloc ((void **) &(lineInfo[n].syntax), 
-                       sizeof (struct syntax_t));
-       }
-       lineInfo[i++].type = MT_COLOR_SIGNATURE;
-      }
-  }
-  else if (check_sig (buf, lineInfo, n - 1) == 0)
-    lineInfo[n].type = MT_COLOR_SIGNATURE;
   else if (regexec ((regex_t *) QuoteRegexp.rx, buf, 1, pmatch, 0) == 0)
     if (regexec ((regex_t *) Smileys.rx, buf, 1, smatch, 0) == 0)

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