Była godzina 23:09:20 w środa 13 wrzesień, gdy do autobusu wsiadł kanar
i wrzasnął:"David Champion!!! Bilecik do kontroli!!!" A on(a) na to:
> Is there any way to disable this? I want the pager to treat signatures
> the same as the body
Correct me if i am wrong you do not wan colorful signature? If so do in
your .muttrc this:
color white black
This will make signatures be written with white (gray) letters on black
background. For more information see manual Sec. 3.6
|/ |_, _ .- --, 2:480/135@fido [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy
... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...