On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:56:08AM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
> Hi, I'm running debian 2.2 woody and I just did apt-get install
> muttzilla and sure enough there was a debian muttzilla package, which

One of these days I should check out the various muttzilla packages I
keep hearing about.  Among other things, I wonder how the packagers
choose to handle the compile-time decision of mail only, news only, or
mail and news support.  I also wonder if they bother to include all of
the docs.  Btw, my web page won't help you much directly, but it will
let you download the full tar.gz, including all of the setup

Anyway, there is now an archived support list for muttzilla:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you have any further
problems, please ask the folks there.


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