It's rumored that around Tue, Feb 08, 2000 at 09:18:24PM -0600
Jason Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If anyone out there is using muttzilla, is their a way to have an
> email
> open in alternative Xterm, like Konsole, or rxvt?
I use it with Eterm, you can alter his mzmail.(py|sh) script to use
whatever you want. Make sure you change the args passed to the
terminal as well.
They're pretty vanilla scripts, just change things like "-title" to
whatever your term understands.
I substitued those included scripts with an altered version of the
shell script i use to load up mutt with all my env variables to fit
the muttzilla params.
Works the same for using slrn instead of tin.
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/V\ KeyId 1024D/2AB39B99
// \\ 20B5 BE61 3E0D 81C2 E065 94FF 8856 90A2 2AB3 9B99
/( )\ Call me insane one more time and I'll eat your other eye!
^`~'^ '~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'
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