On 07-Sep-00 at 16:33:56 David T-G wrote:
> % 'pointy-clicky' client to a keyboard one takes a bit of time :-) Having
> Let me guess: you don't use vi, right? :-)
No, I do use vi/vim on both Linux and Solaris :-) But I've been using XFMail
as the mail client and the only keys I use is the 'd' for delete and space
to view a message. Other than that its all done with the mouse - hence mutt
is going to take a bit of time :-)

> Better than that, you can get a list of current keybindings and macros
> just by pressing ? (unless you've remapped it ;-) at just about any
> screen.
Thanks for this - if I get time I'll take a lot closer look at mutt at home,
hopefully if I start to use it in earnest then I'll soon get the hang of it!


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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