On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, David T-G wrote:

> % m_muttalias only understands the following formats of aliases:
> % 
> % alias foo User Name <foo@bar>
> % alias foo foo@bar (User Name)

> Aha!  Well, that would do it, then :-)

> % and converts them both to 
> % 
> % foo@bar     User Name       alias foo
> % 
> % Other alias syntax (like your combination of <...> and (...)) isn't
> % supported yet, because they don't make much sense to me and I don't

> I could probably go about redoing all of my aliases, but I still
> like the elm aliases lookup format.

Okay, then please try the attached diff against m_muttalias, which
should support your converted elm aliases, but it is not fully tested
(I don't know whether there are other side effects).

> Still, though, nobody does comments (anything after a comma in the
> alias definition, as in
>   alias foo = Foo, lots of commentary for me (even here) = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> for example) like elm supported...

AFAIK Mutt doesn't support comments in the aliases.  So you should
think about writing a m_elm (or m_elmalias) module like m_pine to
directly use the elm aliases with lbdb instead of converting them to
the less powerful mutt alias format.  This m_elm module may write
the alias to the 3rd column of the mutt query format.



 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *
Index: m_muttalias.sh.in
RCS file: /var/cvs/lbdb/m_muttalias.sh.in,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 m_muttalias.sh.in
--- m_muttalias.sh.in   2000/06/23 10:20:13     1.3
+++ m_muttalias.sh.in   2000/08/26 15:02:32
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
            grep -i "$@" $file \
            | grep '^alias[     ][      ]*[^,][^,]*[    ][      ]*[^,]*$' \
-           | sed -e 's/^alias[         ][      ]*\([^  ][^     ]*\)[   ][      
]*\([^<>()]*\)<\([^<>()]*\)>[^()<>]*$/\3        \2      alias \1/' \
+           | sed -e 's/^alias[         ][      ]*\([^  ][^     ]*\)[   ][      
+]*<\([^         >][^    >]*\)>[         ][      ]*(\([^<>()]*\))[^()<>]*$/\2    \3    
+  alias \1/' \
+                 -e 's/^alias[         ][      ]*\([^  ][^     ]*\)[   ][      
+]*\([^<>()]*\)<\([^<>()]*\)>[^<>]*$/\3  \2      alias \1/' \
                  -e 's/^alias[         ][      ]*\([^  ][^     ]*\)[   ][      
]*\([^<>()]*\)(\([^<>()]*\))[^()<>]*$/\2        \3      alias \1/' \
            | grep -v '^alias[  ][      ]*[^,][^,]*[    ][      ]*[^,]*$'

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