Hi, folks --
Hey, maybe we should start an lbdb-users mailing list so that we don't
chew up all of the traffic in mutt-users :-)
I've finally gotten lbdb-0.20.1 compiled and test-installed, and m_finger
and m_gpg appear to work. For some reason, though, m_muttalias seems to
be throwing away its output...
I have ~/local/etc/lbdb.rc as my test-install copy of what would usually
be /usr/local/etc/lbdb.rc, and ~/.lbdb/lbdbrc as my config file, in which
I've set MUTT_DIRECTORY (/home/davidtg/.mutt), MUTTALIAS_FILES (aliases),
and METHODS (either "METHODS m_muttalias" or "$METHODS m_muttalias" or
just "m_muttalias"; the former appears to not work at all even though
that's what mentioned in the README). Running
lbdbq davidtg
gives back my finger information (davidtg and dtgtest, the latter because
the GCOS field has DavidTG in it) and, when I have m_gpg included, my
key information (still have questions about that, but later). For some
reason, though, I don't see any of my aliases. When I comment out the
| grep -v '^alias[ ][ ]*[^,][^,]*[ ][ ]*[^,]*$'
line in m_muttalias, I get
alias me-hushmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (DavidTG @ hushmail)
alias me-bulbs-bigfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (DavidTG bulbs @ bigfoot)
alias me-bigfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (David @ BigFoot)
but the grep -v seems to throw away these results. Now, it could be
because my mail alias format is exactly as you see above, as generated by
a slightly modified elmaliasconv.pl from my .elm/aliases.text file
(because I like the elm listalias functionality to this day), which looks
me-bigfoot = David @ BigFoot, ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) =
me-bulbs-bigfoot = DavidTG bulbs @ bigfoot, (www.bigfoot.com/bulbs) =
me-hushmail = DavidTG @ hushmail, (www.hushmail.com/davidtg) = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SOOOOO... As far as I can read the grep regexp, grep is going to filter
out anything like
beginning of line
string "alias"
one or more space-or-tab
one or more not-a-comma
one or more space-or-tab
zero or more not-a-comma
end of line
which, I must admit, looks like it would fit my list of aliases. My
question is "why is m_muttalias doing this?" so that I can figure out if
I just want to junk that last grep or rewrite it to fit my alias format
(which may or may not differ from the "standard" mutt alias format).
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.bigfoot.com/~davidtg/ Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001. There was no year 0.
Note: If bigfoot.com gives you fits, try sector13.org in its place. *sigh*
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