I used putty logging in via ssh and it supported color on a linux
system. These were standard rpm builds with a full install of Mandrake
Linux. I don't know if the terminal of AIX would support this, but that
is just what I have experienced.
On Sat, Aug 26, 2000 at 01:54:29PM +0930, Brian Salter-Duke muttered:
| There has been some discussion on comp.mail.mutt about using color in a
| telnet window to access mutt. This was something I was working on, so I
| thought it might be useful to set out where I am at, what success I have
| had and where I still have questions. After getting some feedback I will
| put this up on my mutt web page.
| First, some background. I run mutt on an old RS6000 running AIX 3.2.5.
| Due to difficulties of power here in the tropics and airconditioning
| problems, I leave the machine in the University machine room asnbd acccess
| it from my PC in my office, or from student computer labs when teaching
| or from home via a Mac and a modem. Thus I use several systems. On the
| office PC I have used normal Windows telnet but this is most boring.
| Two other telnet systems have been suggested: putty and teraterm. I can
| not see that putty supports color but I could be wrong. Has anyone used
| putty with color?
| teraterm works fine and I now use it as standard. However it appears to
| need mutt with ncurses rather than slang. Has anyone figured out how to
| get color with mutt using slang under teraterm? I would really like this
| so I can get color with slrn, but that is off topic here.
| With ncurses I came across a bug that has been discussed here and on
| comp.mail.mutt. ncurses 5.0 does not lead to a mutt compile that
| supports color. I have seen various suggestions about getting around
| this, but the only one that made sense to me was to upgrade to ncurses
| 5.1. The terminfo with this version supports teraterm, so there is no
| need to add the entry that has been posted here or the one that comes
| with teraterm. I did add the termcap that comes with teraterm as vim as
| the editor for mutt appears to need it.
| So in the end getting teraterm to use color is quite simple.
| On the Mac I use Microphone to connect to my machine. This does not
| support color. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can support color
| when connecting from a Mac?
| All suggestions welcome.
| Regards, Brian.
| --
| Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| School of Biological, Environmental and Chemical Sciences, SITE,
| Northern Territory University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia. Phone 08-89466702.
| Fax 08-89466847 http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/school/compchem.html
/Jason G Helfman
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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