Jason Helfman schrieb am Donnerstag, den 24. August 2000:

> My local file was unchecked, but the global file works fine.

What "local file" and "global file" are you talking about?  There are
multiple files handled by lbdb...

> And when I entered and configure to use m_palm after loading and
> installing the perl files, then performing a query... I received
> this information back:
> Waiting for response.../usr/local/bin/lbdbq: unexpected EOF while
> looking for `"'

Are you talking about lbdb 0.20?  There I introduced a little bug,
because I named the helper application palm_lsaddr but called it with
the old name m_palm_lsaddr in m_palm.  This problem was fixed in
0.20.1.  The following minimal patch also fixes this:

--- m_palm.sh.in        2000/08/21 12:05:13     1.2
+++ m_palm.sh.in        2000/08/24 02:14:26     1.3
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@
 m_palm_query ()
-    $libdir/m_palm_lsaddr ${PALM_ADDRESS_DATABASE:-$HOME/.jpilot/AddressDB.pdb} | 
grep -i "$@"
+    $libdir/palm_lsaddr ${PALM_ADDRESS_DATABASE:-$HOME/.jpilot/AddressDB.pdb} \
+    | grep -i "$@"



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