André --

...and then André Dahlqvist said...
% When I use the `echo Mail/*` trick for listing mailboxes, Mutt refuses
% to show the 'N' character in the browser to indicate new mail. I can
% however still cycle through them using the 'c' character. Is there a way
% around this without typing them in manually?

I don't think that it's related to how you enter them in your muttrc;
have you actually tried doing it manually and seen different results?

I strongly suspect that some other check-for-new-mail utility, like your
shell or biff or such, is accessing the file and thus changing the access
time, which is what mutt uses (in comparison to the modification time)
to determine of there is "new mail", or actually determine if something
has written ("delivered") to the file since something else has accessed
("read") from it.

% When using the echo trick I would also like to exclude the outbox from
% the list of mailboxes to check. I have come up with the following
% solution which does the trick. Is there a better way to do it?
% `echo Mail/* | sed s/" Mail\/outbox"//`

Aside from changing to something like

  sed "s@Mail/outbox@@"

to get rid of that backslash, I'd say this is fine.  Note, though, that
most folks typically have mail delivered to certain types of mailboxes
that are easily recognizable by pattern; for me, for instance, it's
Mail/F.*; for others it's Mail/I* or whatever.  Doing this can let you
have a much smaller list of mailboxes to check as well as simplifying
your echo trick above.

% -- 
% // André


David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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