On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 04:05:14PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
>John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 24 Aug 2000:
>> As an additional data point: in one of my other rcfiles, I am using the
>> command "uncolor index *" without problems (no quotes in the rcfile). So
>> it seems the problem only crops up when trying to do it inside a
>> folder-hook.
>No. Based on what you quoted from the manual (I haven't checked it
>myself), the problem is that you can only do "uncolor *" on index, not
>body or anything else.
Hey, you're right! This works:
folder-hook . uncolor index *
...but the same thing doesn't work when substituting "body" or
"header" for "index". Odd. Can I suggest a feature? :)
>> Or, better yet, is
>> there a special token to target them, such as using ~N to specifically
>> color New messages?
>There is: ~P
>You can look up the list of pattern operators in "man muttrc" or the
>Mutt manual.
Oh, great, you had to show me that. There goes another 10 hours of my
life fiddling with my .muttrc file. :)
John Buttery Illuminati Online Customer Service
Illuminati Shell Account Tip:
If you have an anonymous FTP directory, you can create a
"link" to that directory in your home directory. Simply
type the following command and a directory called "ftpsite"
will be created in your home directory. Then just type
"cd ftpsite" from your login and you're there!
ln -s ~ftp/pub/usr/$USER ~/ftpsite