It does say that, but right below it, it says that you can use the
special token * to remove all entries...but I can't seem to make it work
as advertised. Or am I misunderstanding the instructions? My
understanding of "can be applied to the index object only" is that if you
have two patterns, "abc" and "abcdefg" you can't do something like:
uncolor body ab*
...and have it remove both of them; you have to match the pattern
exactly. Except that there's special interpretation of * by itself, that
purges the list.
On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 01:15:52PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Isn't your problem explained in the first paragraph of the manual?
> Of course, I don't know *why* it is that way, or if it can be changed,
> but sounds to me like what you're trying to do is not currently
> supported by Mutt.
> John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 24 Aug 2000:
> > Anyway,
> > here's the relevant passage from the book of mutt(1), section 3.7:
> >
> > Note: The uncolor command can be applied to the index object only.
John Buttery Illuminati Online Customer Service
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