On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 01:08:32PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Suresh, et al --
> ...and then Suresh Ramasubramanian said...
> % Using a large mallet, [EMAIL PROTECTED] whacked out:
> % 
> % > However, there is one problem, if the dreaded IMAP message is the
> % > *only* one in the folder then mutt gives an error "No messages matched
> % > criteria." and doesn't remove the message from the index display.
> I still wonder about this one.  I thought that mutt would happily display
> an empty mailbox, and one would think that the message would certainly
> match the criteria...  But I'm not playing around to test it, so I'll
> just go away again.
No, what's happening is that the limit command with a '!' is saying
"display all messages that *don't* match this", there are no messages
that *don't* match so mutt displays the error.

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