On Tuesday, 15 August 2000 at 06:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 03:27:46AM -0500, David Champion wrote:
> > Turns out you also can use:
> > push "<limit>! ~h X-IMAP:<return>"
> > or, I guess,
> > push "l! ~h X-IMAP:\n"
> >
> > I can't guess how much slower that might be, if any, but it's surely
> > simpler.
> Definitely! :-) I think this is a very neat approach. I doubt if
> it's significantly slower and I'm not really fussed on that front, I
> don't have folders with large numbers of mail messages in them.
Watch out for this one. It may end up rendering all your new messages
as read (or not recent, anyway). I believe ~h searches require mutt to
download every message in the mailbox. ~s is much faster because the
subject is already fetched for the index view...
Don't make Godzilla mad!
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