* Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000808 00:40]:
> On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 10:09:29PM +0200, Jesper Holmberg wrote:
> > Well this is exactly what I've experienced as well. On RedHat 6.1,
> > <end> didn't work. After an upgrade to RedHat 6.2, the problem
> > disappeared. Now, on Mandrake 7.1, as my previous question indicated,
> > neither <home>, <end>, ALT nor F1-F12 work.
> >
> > Could anyone explain this? These three systems are indeed rather
> > similar.
> OK, you asked for it...
> <rant>
> Various terminal control sequences, including the ones that the terminal
> sends to the program on various key presses, are described in the
> terminfo database (distributed with ncurses). The program knows what
> type of terminal you have by checking the $TERM variable.
> This is a nice and clever system. Unfortunatelly, very often the
> database and the actual terminal control sequences get out of sync.
Yes, this is true. But if I put a line in muttrc that says
bind pager \e[F bottom
where \e[F is what vi's ^V put in (with \e instead of ^[) it should work
whatever the terminfo. Or am I missing something?
Mutt keeps saying "Key is not bound. Press '?' for help.", but *what*
key is missing? Is there a way of knowing that? Maybe mutt should print
the unbound key in the message.
* Istituto Nazionale di Ottica GianPiero Puccioni *
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