* Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000807 20:39]:
> GianPiero Puccioni muttered:
> >
> > I am using mutt 1.2.4i on a RedHat 6.1 using KDE and Konsole as a
> > terminal. I installed it with the RPM found in mutt.linuxatwork.at
> >
> > For some reason the <end> key doesn't work, all the other keys, <home>,
> > <PageUp> <PageDown>, etc work but <end> doesn't.
> Sorry can't help you with that. I use rh 6.2 and everything works fine.
Well this is exactly what I've experienced as well. On RedHat 6.1,
<end> didn't work. After an upgrade to RedHat 6.2, the problem
disappeared. Now, on Mandrake 7.1, as my previous question indicated,
neither <home>, <end>, ALT nor F1-F12 work.
Could anyone explain this? These three systems are indeed rather