On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 12:41:45AM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > These solutions are not perfect, as they
> > override $envelope_from (I think... what would sendmail do if it got
> > two -f options?),

I've checked -- sendmail barfs if it gets -f twice.

> But I just tested it and it seems to have a problem: "manually" doing
> the job $envelope_from performs isn't easy if you wish to have
> different "From " headers (based on "From:")...
> I guess this problem was what you mean in the first place when you said that
> this solution wasn't perfect... perhaps you were right :(

That's what I meant.

> Thank you for your help,
> Manuel
> PS: Probably this is trivial to implement: I guess the team of developers
> can easily make $envelope_from also assure that "From "=="From:" when the
> user bounces a message... afterall, it already works flawlessly when
> sending, replying and forwarding!

Maybe something like this would help: this should make envelope from same as
the added Resent-From: header.  The patch is against 1.2.4 and completely

--- sendlib.c.orig      Sat May 20 08:38:59 2000
+++ sendlib.c   Wed Aug  2 13:03:52 2000
@@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@
     mutt_copy_bytes (fp, f, h->content->length);
     fclose (f);

-    mutt_invoke_sendmail (NULL, to, NULL, NULL, tempfile,
+    mutt_invoke_sendmail (resent_from, to, NULL, NULL, tempfile,
                          h->content->encoding == ENC8BIT);

Marius Gedminas
Laugh at your problems; everybody else does.

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