Hi Suresh,

Thank you for your reply.

> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) shows up in the header and confuses my ISP's 
> > server. If this is the problem, how can I overcome it?
> Hmmm... you are using Postfix locally and I don't grok postfix - but sendmail
> can be set to masquerade as a domain (setting DMip.pt in sendmail.cf would make
> your sendmail masquerade as ip.pt instead of localhost.localdomain or
> whatever).

I also thought about that, but masquerading my localhost behind my
ISP's domain won't work, because my local username is different from the one
at my ISP and my emails would go out as "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]", an
inexistent email address. 

Another problem with solving this at MTA level (namely with some sort of
address rewriting) is that I only have one user account at my computer, but more 
than one email address at my ISP. So imposing an address rewriting rule saying


doesn't really solve my problem.

Which leaves me with only one solution: configuring mutt. :)

As I said, whenever I try to bounce a message it always shows up in my system's mail 
queue with an error message saying that my ISP's refused it because the field
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (I suppose it is "From ") includes an unresolvable 
name... which makes sense, because if I didn't specify in my .muttrc which email 
mutt should use in my outgoing messages it would always use
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, and the messages would also show up in my
system's mail queue as refused by the remote server (this really happens, I just 
tested it).

I get this error message whenever I send out an email with a correct "From:" field, 
an invalid "From ".

So I guess that since when I bounce a message the "From: " field doesn't contain any of
my email addresses, the fact that I've set the variable $envelope_from
doesn't lead to mutt forcing a correct "From " field, which I believe is the
header field my ISP's SMTP server is looking at when it refuses the emails I
bounce (since "From: " stays unchanged when bouncing).

How can I tell mutt to use the right "From " field when "From: " contains an
address which isn't on my $alternates list? my_hdr doesn't change the
email's envelope, right? So what's left?

Cheers and thank you for any help,


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