On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 11:05:07PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > I am unable to send mail. nothing goes out. there are no error messages.
> > I checked the .muttrc file (search $dsn_notify and $dsn_return) and it's
> > not showing in the file. ??
> Maybe your exim configuration is fscked up somewhere?  This doesn't look like a
> mutt problem.  See what your MTA logs say (they should be in /var/log)

No not at all. I asked some guys in #debian.de an those who hat mutt 1.2i
running had it going with postfix or qmail, none of them was using exim with
mutt. But no, I don't want to start MTA wars here, it's too OT.



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