Using a large mallet, Dale Morris whacked out:

> I'm using thomas roessler's ultimate muttrc  config file with exim and
> debian 2.2.16. I can't send mail with mutt. I tried using a different
> muttrc file that worked with exim before I upgraded from potato to woody
> and it didn't work either. Is there something I have to change in
> configuration? Are there any know bugs with woody package of mutt 1.2i?

What error is produced?  Do you by any chance have $dsn_notify and $dsn_return
set in your .muttrc?  Exim doesn't support that.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + Lumber Cartel India - <tinlcI>
mallet @ + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
Truth will be out this morning.  (Which may really mess things up.)

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