On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 06:17:31PM +0200, Kai Blin wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 12:03:13PM +0200, Lutz Jaenicke wrote:
> > Probably it won't help you too much if you don't have influence on the
> > admins, but the latest UofW imap (to be released very soon) does not
> > use this technique any longer...
> Is there any other cute imap server for linux? I'm planning to set up this
> departements mail accounts on an local imap server because of the quotas on
> the university server. But still, this DON'T ... stuff sucks and I can't
> stick to a "to be released" but I need a released one.
> Could you name a good one?
> freshmeat finds
> * courier-imap
> * cyrus imap server
> * dkimap
> and, of course UW-imap

Courier IMAP is very straightforward and simple to install, I have it
installed as a *user* (i.e. no root access) on this shell login
account.  All I had to do was change the port it listens on and it
works fine.

Of the ones listed Courier is the only one other than UW that uses a
'standard' mailbox format (it uses maildir to store the mail).

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