On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 01:19:44AM +0200, Nils Vogels wrote:
> Therefore I would like to build like an autoarchiver which moves the mail
> monthly into a seperate, gzipped folder, so this months mail for the mutt list
> would end up in =mutt-july-2000.gz
> How would I go by this using mutt ?
hmmm... do you really want to solve this with mutt? I suppose you're using
procmail for delivering your mail into different mailboxes, aren't you?
remember procmail can expand Shell expressions when interpreting its config.
so why don't use a foldername like
folder-`date %m-%Y`/
so every month's mail would be sorted into the month's folder.
Using mutt is also quite simple ...
simply tag the messages using a regular expression (and the "T" key ;-) :
~d >30d
would tag all messages in the current folder being older than 30 days.
then you could simply move all the tagged messages to a folder ...
ok... now it's up to you which way you like better ... the first one would be
Christian Ordig | Homepage: http://thor.prohosting.com/~chrordig/
Germany | eMail: Christian Ordig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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