Hi Mikko H?nninen !

On Wed 26 Jul 2000 (03:34), you muttered on the list:

> Nils Vogels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 26 Jul 2000:
> > Therefore I would like to build like an autoarchiver which moves the mail
> > monthly into a seperate, gzipped folder, so this months mail for the mutt list
> > would end up in =mutt-july-2000.gz
> > 
> > How would I go by this using mutt ?
> I don't know, but I know I wouldn't do it with Mutt, rather than use
> something like procmail/maildrop or whatever...  And possibly combined
> with commands run out of cron.  Depends what exactly you want to do
> (all of the emails, or just selected emails, or what?).
All of the mail in ie. the =mutt folder with a Date: between 1-7-2000 and
1-8-2000 would have to be archived at 1-8-2000 into the =mutt-july-2000.gz,
thats the main idea

Hmm.. procmail sounds indeed better than mutt, but this leaves me with quite a
new challenge: how do i make procmail run a piece of its config file only once
a month, and not on every mail delivery ? ;-)

I guess that would be beyond the scope of this list, but if anyone has ideas
.. pls, don't be shy :)

Thanks in advance,


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