Gregor Zattler muttered:
> my alias file contains dozens of double lines like this:
> alias echo John User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> fcc-save-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] +'John User'
> because there is no default way to prevent mutt from putting a "To " in
> front of fcc folder names.
> fcc-save-hook . %F
> will fcc to 'To John User' and save John Users mails to 'John User'.
> But i need a solution which directs both fcc and saves to 'John User'
> so i can reconstruct my diskussion with John User (especially with
> mutts excellent sorting by threads).
If the author's or recipient's first name is enough as a folder name
you could use the %v expando.
fcc-save-hook . =%v
%F adds the 'To', which is very helpful in the index.
If you correspond with two people named 'John' this solution won't help
you, of cause.
Swap read error. You lose your mind.
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