Dear mutters,
my alias file contains dozens of double lines like this:
alias echo John User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
fcc-save-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] +'John User'
because there is no default way to prevent mutt from putting a "To " in
front of fcc folder names.
fcc-save-hook . %F
will fcc to 'To John User' and save John Users mails to 'John User'.
But i need a solution which directs both fcc and saves to 'John User'
so i can reconstruct my diskussion with John User (especially with
mutts excellent sorting by threads).
Is there a solution with scripts? i didn't understand manuals chapter
If the filename ends with a vertical bar (|), then filename is
considered to be an executable program from which to read input (eg.
source ~bin/myscript|/
How can i feed arguments to such a executable (e.g. the username)?
Should i post this wish to mutt-dev?
Ciao, Gregor