Mark D. Anderson muttered:
[manual quote]
> Which implies to me that it is possible to browse folders of an IMAP
> server. So how is that done?
> Also, is there a way to absolutely prevent mutt from mucking about
> with my /var/mail or /home/mda/inbox and so on -- i want it to do
> nothing *except* imap.
Sorry I don't use IMAP.
> i presume i can set any configuration variable in the command line,
> or while running mutt,
Press ':' to execute a command. You change every variable then.
Use 'set VAR=VALUE' to set vars. You can check current setting with
'set ?VAR' or 'set VAR=TAB'
> But I don't see how I can do the first two of these from the
> documentation.
See sections 2.3, 3.21
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