On 00/07/06 17:48 +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> >> > $ cat .muttrc|grep move
> >> > # Don't ask to move read messages
> >> > set move=no 
> >>  This week's candidate for the useless use of cat award.
> Meow :)  The only reason was that my muttrc is rather well commented, and
> I was feeling too lazy to write a comment :)

I think he meant that

  grep move .muttrc

would have been easier... (but, as somebody else said, sometimes you
are thinking about /where/ before you are thinking about /what/)

Michael Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      \\       "Small minds discuss people,
http://mojain.com/                     \\   Mediocre minds discuss events,
key: http://mojain.com/keys/mrowe.asc    \\     Great minds discuss ideas."

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