Kai Blin proclaimed on mutt-users that:

>On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 10:27:26AM +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:

>> > >I want to keep my read mail right where it is (I delete or refile
>> > >it to get rid of it).
>> > >I'm not fond of being asked each time I exit mutt if I would like
>> > >to move my mail off to ~/mbox.

>> > $ cat .muttrc|grep move
>> > # Don't ask to move read messages
>> > set move=no 

>>  This week's candidate for the useless use of cat award.

Meow :)  The only reason was that my muttrc is rather well commented, and
I was feeling too lazy to write a comment :)

So, this way :)

>This weeks candidate for the RTFM answer is more likely.

mutt-newbie.sourceforge.net should really help in this case :)  (heavily
under construction now) :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its
fascination.  When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be
                -- Oscar Wilde

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