Gottipati Aravind [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   hostname
>    Type: string
>    Default: ""
>    Specifies the hostname to use after the ``@'' in local e-mail
> addresses. This overrides
>    the compile time definition obtained from /etc/resolv.conf.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I think this means that outgoing mail to LOCAL USERS only is affected by 
> it. but then I could be wrong.

You are right.

> Oh and one more thing! you could also be right.. I got the Mutt 1.2i 
> source from and compiled it myself. With that version of mutt 
> the hostname works! that is it sets the hostname part to for 
> all mails like I want it to. but if I use the precompiled debian version 
> in frozen, it does not work with hostname. I need to set the From header
> explicitly in that case. 

Check the value of $use_domain in both cases.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
the crises posed a question / just beneath the skin
the virtue in my veins replied / that quitters never win

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