Daniel --
...and then Daniel González Gasull said...
% Hello all, and sorry for the delay. I'm in exams.
I hope they've gone well!
% David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mutt users:
% >
% > would automatically readdress any email for
% Yes. But something more. I have improved my
Hokay. Got that so far.
% suggestion. The command would be something like
% aka {alias} {regexp}
% It will rewrite any address that match regexp with
% the one that is defined in the alias, *when*
% sending a message.
Speaking of which, such a tool should accept either aliases *or* full
addresses where you have {alias} above...
% For example:
% alias joe Joe Cool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If it really handled regexps, then you could at least say
alias joe Joe Cool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and save a line or three (but, after all, how many wrong addresses can
one person have, right?).
% Then, if I receive a message from
% "Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", or
% "Who am i <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>",
% and I reply it, the reply will go to
% "Joe Cool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
% > I don't see why that's needed; just send your mail
% > to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the first place, and trust that
% > joe will work out whatever problems come from his
% > sending mail from his foo.com address.
% I'm not agree because:
Here, though, I still don't see the weight of the benefit of this new
feature being greater than that of the additional code and creeping
% 1) Some people use accounts that cannot be forwarded
% to any other. E.g. hotmail
% 2) Some people use webmails or MUAs that do not
% allow to set a Reply-To header.
I hate to sound callous, but they've picked their email providers and so
now they can use 'em. If they wanted mail to go to account X then they
should send from there; if they send from Y just because X forwards to Y,
then it should be fine for you to reply directly to Y.
% 3) Most lusers don't know how to do this even if
% they can, and they simply ask you "please reply me
% to my another email address".
Yeah, well, that's because they're lusers :-)
I have absolutely no relationship with the development team, but I
would say that this probably won't make it any farther than a separate
feature patch. That said, though, feel free to either write the new
code yourself or continue evangelizing the idea until someone writes
the patch for you :-)
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.bigfoot.com/~davidtg/ Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001. There was no year 0.
Note: If bigfoot.com gives you fits, try sector13.org in its place. *sigh*
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