On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 03:54:10PM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:

> > Just because I was bored today I switched to mutt (don't ask why, I'm
> > not sure myself) and so far I'm somewhat impressed.
> You will find better reasons once to get used to mutt, I'm sure :-)

So far so good... I do like the flexibility of some stuff much more
than with Pine... mutt is a lot more extensible, but it's just
getting used to the mutt way of doing things that's a bit of a
hurdle... =)

> > I search the archive and couldn't find a satisfactory answer to this
> > question...
> Search for profile and you'll find everything you need.

Cool... I'll have to do that.

> > I used the Pine roles somewhat exclusively.  I've got this, my
> > default email address, but I also send out "admin" messages at times
> > that need a different email address.  These messages are also put
> > into a folder by the name of "freezerburn" by procmail.
> It is far easier use different rcfiles for different roles. You could
> write macros to change between them.
> # ~/.profile-admin
> signature=~/.signature-admin
> my_hdr From: Freezer Burn Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...
> #~/.profile-xyz
> ...
> # ~/.muttrc
> [your normal setting]
> macro index \ea ':source ~/.profile-admin'  "Change profile to admin"
> macro index \eo ':source ~/.muttrc' "Reset profile to default"
> ...
> Or you could use folder- / send-hooks to change profiles automaticly.

Yeah, I decided to go with the folder hooks...  and big long
macros... =)  Works pretty good tho...  the problem I had was I just
set the folder-hook to change to the admin account and then it
stayed.. dOh!  New global folder-hook for me... =)

Thanks muchly for all the tips.. it's really helped.  Now I just have
a problem with the From header (I believe I posted another message
about that problem yesterday), and as soon as that's fixed, mutt is
ready for prime-time over here... =)

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
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