Vincent Danen muttered:
> Just because I was bored today I switched to mutt (don't ask why, I'm
> not sure myself) and so far I'm somewhat impressed.
You will find better reasons once to get used to mutt, I'm sure :-)
> I search the archive and couldn't find a satisfactory answer to this
> question...
Search for profile and you'll find everything you need.
> I used the Pine roles somewhat exclusively. I've got this, my
> default email address, but I also send out "admin" messages at times
> that need a different email address. These messages are also put
> into a folder by the name of "freezerburn" by procmail.
It is far easier use different rcfiles for different roles. You could
write macros to change between them.
# ~/.profile-admin
my_hdr From: Freezer Burn Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# ~/.muttrc
[your normal setting]
macro index \ea ':source ~/.profile-admin' "Change profile to admin"
macro index \eo ':source ~/.muttrc' "Reset profile to default"
Or you could use folder- / send-hooks to change profiles automaticly.
> I've spent about an hour now trying to make a macro (\ea) to set the
> signature to ~/.signature-admin and to change the From: line with
> my_hdr but I can't get it to work.
> macro index \ea 'set signature=~/.signature-admin; \
> my_hdr From: Freezer Burn Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
You forgot to set the ':' since you want to execute commands.
macro index \ea ':set signature=~/.signature-admin; \
my_hdr From: Freezer Burn Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
This should work, unless you have any default sent-hook which
overwrites these settings.
> I also tried the send-hook command to match me replying to all
> messages in the freezerburn mailbox
> send-hook =freezerburn 'set signature=~/.signature-admin; \
> my_hdr From: Freezer Burn Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
> but I think I might just be confused on that part (should I put in
> send-hook "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead of the folder name?
Yes, this is how send-hooks work :)
See the manual. If you want to change something based on the folder
you're in use the folder-hook command.
> ie. someone sends a message to admin@... and I want to reply with
> that same email address).
Unfortunatly it's not possible to match any header of a message to be
Since you sort mail addressed to admin@... in the =freezerburn folder
use: folder-hook =freezerburn 'set signature...'
> I think I know where I went wrong with the send-hook, but why won't
> the macro work properly? Do I need to put a compose command in there
> somehow? I'm a little lost on how to write the macros properly...
You don't need no compose command. s.o.
Behind every great computer sits a skinny little geek.
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